Fiocruz 120 anos - Patrimônio da Sociedade Brasileira


While scientists were collaborating to find answers, thousands of women were afraid of getting pregnant. Others, most of them from the Northeast, were taking care of their sick babies, facing anincreasingly difficult routine.

In 2017, the costs associated to the Congenital Syndrome were estimated by the United Nations Development Program to be US$1,707 dollars per month.

With at least one parent out of the labor market, the family income dropped, while expenditures with baby care increased.

The Congenital Syndrome can occur in children who had contact with the Zika virus through pregnancy, even if their mothers have not shown symptoms, and can cause multiple disabilities, not only microcephaly.

Slide How much is the social security benefit aimed at children with the Congenital Zika Syndrome, born from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2019? QUIZ
A - 1 minimum wage per month until the age of 18 B - 1 minimum wage per month for life C - R$500,00 until the age of 18 D - R$250,00 per month for life Correct answer:
Law 13,985, approved April 7, 2020, institutes a special pension aimed at children with the Congenital Zika Syndrome, born from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2019, beneficiaries of the Continuous Benefit (BPC, for its acronym in Portuguese). During this period, over 3,400 children were confirmed to have CZS in Brazil, according to the Ministry of Health. (source: link)
The Brazilian senate confirms the lifelong pension for children affected by the Zika virus
Brazilian Senate

Foto colorida do Senado Federal. A imagem está centralizada no corredor e vemos nas cadeiras das bancadas os senadores sentados de costas. À frente está a mesa do presidente do Senado, que fica em cima de um tablado. Atrás da mesa e ao lado do tablado, pessoas estão de pé. Foto colorida da sala de audiência pública do Senado Federal. A sala tem uma mesa com microfones na frente. A plateia está lotada e é composta por pessoas sentadas em mesas inteiriças com microfones. Na mesa à frente, uma mulher de pele marrom clara, com cabelo liso e comprido fala e gesticula. Ao lado dela, está um homem de pele clara, cabelos castanhos e curtos, vestido com um terno . No fundo e ao lado da plateia, dois fotógrafos tiram fotos e duas mulheres estão de pé.



Logo da Fiocruz 120 anos: Uma silhueta em linha preta de uma das torres do Pavilhão Mourisco integrada ao texto Fiocruz, 120 anos. Ao lado: Patrimônio da sociedade brasileira

While scientists were collaborating to find answers, thousands of women were afraid of getting pregnant. Others, most of them from the Northeast, were taking care of their sick babies, facing anincreasingly difficult routine.

Rede Zika Ciências Sociais
Photo: Maju Monteiro


In 2017, the costs associated to the Congenital Syndrome were estimated by the United Nations Development Program to be US$1,707 dollars per month.

With at least one parent out of the labor market, the family income dropped, while expenditures with baby care increased.

Foto em preto e branco de uma mulher que alimenta uma criança em seu colo. A mulher tem cabelos castanhos cacheados na altura do ombro, ela segura uma colher que está na boca da criança que tem os cabelos castanhos bem curtos passado à máquina. Rede Zika Ciências Sociais
Photo: Maju Monteiro


The Congenital Syndrome can occur in children who had contact with the Zika virus through pregnancy, even if their mothers have not shown symptoms, and can cause multiple disabilities, not only microcephaly.

Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Duque de Caxias
Photo: Maju Monteiro

Slide Slide

How much is the social security benefit aimed at children with the Congenital Zika Syndrome, born from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2019?

A - 1 minimum wage per month until the age of 18 B - 1 minimum wage per month for life C - R$500,00 until the age of 18 D - R$250,00 per month for life

Correct answer:
Law 13,985, approved April 7, 2020, institutes a special pension aimed at children with the Congenital Zika Syndrome, born from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2019, beneficiaries of the Continuous Benefit (BPC, for its acronym in Portuguese). During this period, over 3,400 children were confirmed to have CZS in Brazil, according to the Ministry of Health. (source: link)

The Brazilian senate confirms the lifelong pension for children affected by the Zika virus
Brazilian Senate
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